Packages rugarch, rmgarch, parma, Rsolnp and spd are available to download from CRAN.
Active development, which includes the most up-to date versions with bug fixes, has now moved to bitbucket for rugarch, rmgarch, racd, spd and twinkle (parma remains on r-forge as a joint collaboration effort and mirrored on bitbucket, as is Rsolnp).
To install from bitbucket directly use:
>require(devtools) install_bitbucket("rmgarch","alexiosg") install_bitbucket("rugarch","alexiosg") install_bitbucket("racd","alexiosg") install_bitbucket("twinkle","alexiosg") install_bitbucket("spd","alexiosg") install_bitbucket("parma","alexiosg")
Note for those on windows: You need to have Rtools installed as well as a working latex installation (e.g. miktex), else you’ll be unable to create the vignettes (in which case set ‘build_vignettes=FALSE’ in
the install_bitbucket to avoid errors during build/install).